Emotionally Healthy Schools

Emotionally Healthy Schools 

At Pear Tree Primary School our Emotionally Healthy Schools lead is Mrs. Debbie Swallow. Mrs Swallow has completed the Mental Health First Aid Youth Course and last year completed the Senior Mental Health Lead Training . She is also the school's SENco. All teaching staff at Pear Tree and several support staff have also completed the Mental Health Awareness Training. Mrs Degg, Mrs Boughey and Mrs Ryles have also completed their ELSA training (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants). Mrs Cliff is our nurture lead for children needing the support of our Rainbow Club! 



Good practice at Pear Tree:

  • Worry boxes in each classroom – Time to talk
  • Safe spaces in each classroom
  • Children support staff in making class rules (Class Charter)
  • Mindfulness and breathing techniques
  • Yoga
  • Forest School
  • 2 hours of PE for all children each week
  • Weekly PSHE sessions
  • KIVA – key Stage 2
  • ELSA
  • myHappymind
  • Calm club at lunchtimes
  • Gardening
  • Nurture
  • Reading with Dogs
  • Champions for year 6 pupils
  • River Family captains
  • Eco Council

AcSEED Award:

 At Pear Tree we are extremely proud to have been awarded the AcSEED accreditation for Emotionally Healthy schools.  

The AcSEED review team were particularly impressed with:

  1. Students involved in the process of setting class rules.
  2. Rex the therapy dog.
  3. Play Therapy.
  4. Yoga sessions for students and staff.
  5. PSHE programme.
  6. Mental Health & Well Being weeks.
  7. ‘Champions’ – staff mentors for year 6 students.
  8. Wide array of initiatives to help promote positive mental health available.
  9. Wellbeing note on emails.

The AcSEED review team also had the following recommendations:

  1. Posters informing students of emotional health services to be displayed in other areas apart from classroom such as quiet spaces and toilets - this feedback has been taken on board and acted on. 
  2. Information about wellbeing services on website to be more ‘child friendly’ - this has been developed. 
  3. Staff wellbeing policy – this feedback has been acted on.

NHS Self Care Award

We have also received our NHS Bronze self-care award – a huge thank you to Mrs Maumy for all her hard work.

Parent support

In school:

  • Speak to your child’s teacher
  • Speak to our Emotionally Health School Lead. Mrs Debbie Swallow is our Emotionally Healthy Schools lead and SENCo. You can either email dswallow@peartreeprimary.co.uk or ring school on 01270 906120 and ask to speak to her regarding your concerns.

Useful links and resources for parents and carers:

Minded – free resources to support mental health

Family links - supporting emotional health at home, school and work

Youth in Mind Cheshire’s mental health hub

Head Space  - Making mindfulness part of every day

Action for Happiness – hints and tips for a happy lifestyle

Eating disorders 

Substance misuse 


Social Media 

Gender Identity 

Smart phone overuse 

Bereavement/ loss 


Supporting challenging behaviour – tips and hints from Young Minds

Parents A –Z – From Young Minds Our A-Z gives you advice on how to help your child with specific mental health conditions, and life events which might be negatively affecting their wellbeing. We'll also show you where you can get help.

Parents survival Guide - Parenting isn’t always easy. Although it’s often amazing and rewarding to watch your children grow, and to help them learn to be independent, it can also be really hard work.









"Pear Tree School - Being our Best Selves..."

Do get in touch...

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