Welcome to Every Child a Reader (also known as ECaR).
At Pear Tree Primary School, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to become a good reader and that it is the key to success across the curriculum. Developing a love of stories and reading, is also a vital part of the process and we aim to make the journey to successful reading, really fun!
As an ECaR school, we promote reading for all, which sometimes requires the implementation of interventions to support and enhance individual reading progress across all ability levels.
Underpinning much of our ECaR support is Reading Recovery, a reading and writing programme that usually targets Year 1 children who are struggling in their Literacy. They have a daily one-to-one teaching session with a qualified Reading Recovery teacher (Mrs E) for up to 20 weeks focusing on both reading and writing. These children usually make accelerated progress particularly in their reading, enabling them to operate independently at the expected level of achievement within their classroom. Alongside their academic progress, their self-esteem and confidence increase visibly as they experience success in something they have found challenging. Hopefully, their newly acquired strategic problem solving skills, plus their increased self-belief, will take them forward on their learning journey. Ms Morrell is also trained as the Reading Recovery link teacher and plays a part in assessing children during their time on the programme.
Due to the success of Reading Recovery both within school and nationally, we have embraced and implemented other ECaR based interventions throughout school. Below is a brief synopsis of some of these:
Inference Training
Whilst many children can decode text successfully and have a literal understanding of their reading, developing a deeper level of comprehension through inference and deduction is sometimes more difficult. This is a 10 week programme delivered ideally twice a week in a small group context by a trained teacher or Teaching Assistant. Mrs Boughey, Mrs Hadfield and Mrs Degg are trained in this programme
Switch On
Using ECaR strategies, several of our Teaching Assistants have been trained to provide one-to one reading support usually over a half term period. Children are usually put forward by their teacher as perhaps they are not reading regularly or because their reading has plateaued and would benefit from a focused input. Mrs Costa, Mrs Benson and Mrs Maumy are trained in this programme.
Talk Boost
This intervention targets children who have speech and language delays, which can impact on their attainment. Many of these children have the ability to catch up through this timely intervention. It is delivered three times per week in a small group with trained Teaching Assistants. This will mainly be implemented tend to implement with our Reception children who are identified through a rigorous assessment process, it can be used successfully with children up to 7 years old.
Please remember how valuable you are in terms of supporting and encouraging your child's reading. The evidence (see link below) recognising your impact on your child's learning as parents/carers is overwhelming. Making the time to read each day (or as often as possible) with your child will pay dividends in terms of their long term success both academically and emotionally.
Below is a link to the World BookTrust. Here you'll find a good 'book finder' section that gives parents suggestions of good books for children to read.
If you would like to know more about any of the above interventions, then please contact
Mrs Ruth Hadfield either in school or via email: