Violet Class 2023 - 2024

Mr Greasby

Violet Class Teacher

Welcome to Violet Class!


We hope that you have all had a brilliant break over Easter. We have lots of exciting and interesting learning opportunities planned for the coming term including our residential to York in June, transition sessions with Brine Leas and Primary College! Here are a few key points for your information:


Our topic for the Summer term is ‘Viking Britain’. This term, there will be a focus on history and learning all about invaders and settlers. As part of this topic, the trip to York will see us visiting the Jorvik Viking Centre as well as also having the opportunity to visit the Minster, the Castle Museum and The Chocolate Story! There will be an information evening about the trip on Monday 22nd April at 3:30pm.


Please see the timetable on this class website page for more details of how each day will be organised.


PE kit will need to be worn on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Wednesday session will be ran by the Sports Coaching Group this term. After half term we will also have forest schools sessions on Wednesdays with Mr Hadfield.


SATs information

Please note that this year that the KS2 SATs will run from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May. This means the timetable for the week looks as follows:

  • Monday 13th May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 and 2
  • Tuesday 14th May: English reading paper
  • Wednesday 15th May: Mathematics papers 1 and 2
  • Thursday 16th May: Mathematics Paper 3

These are a statutory requirement for all year 6 pupils across the country.


Homework will be set on Fridays to be returned the following Wednesday. This will usually include a Maths task and an English task. In Year 6, children are expected to read regularly and at length. A minimum of 3 x 30 minute sessions of independent reading is recommended, as well as reading aloud sometimes. Hopefully, your child will read for pleasure but if you feel that they are not enjoying reading, please contact us and we will try our best to help them find reading material that will motivate them.


We look forward to seeing you all soon and continuing together to support your child with their learning in Year 6.

Please email if you have any further questions


Mr M. Greasby & the Violet Class Team



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