Red Class Newsletter 06.12.19

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 9:33am

Dear Parents,

We have had a Christmas Elf in Class this week and every day he has been up to mischief of some sort! But the children are still learning and on task, even with the excitement and build-up of Christmas.

We have been writing steps on how to get the Prince or Cinders to the Ball, measuring objects around the classroom with our shoes – we found objects longer, shorter and some were the same length.  We have started to learn phase 3 sounds – j,v,w,x,y,z,zz,ch.  Please keep re-capping these at home and practise making words with the sound cards. 

In P.E we made a range of shapes and balances in our gymnastics work.  See if your child can show you a tuc, pike, straddle, bowl shape at home.


Next Week –

Monday – we are going to the Church in the morning to have a run through for our Nativity.  The children will need school uniform, named snack and a water bottle please.  We will be back in time for lunch.  (NO snack money this day)

Tuesday – Nativity at St Mary’s Church 6pm.  Children need to be in Church around 5:40/5:45pm please.  We will send costumes home after school on this day. 

Wednesday – Forest School – please dress appropriately

Thursday – P.E please send your child in his/her P.E kit.

Friday – Red class will be watching ‘Red Wellies’ Nativity in the school hall.


As well as the above, we will be reading and carrying out a range of Christmas activities.  Christmas tree/Snowman maths, writing simple sentences, Christmas craft and learning about the Christmas Story.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Newman

"Pear Tree School - Being our Best Selves..."

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