Red Class Newsletter 05.07.19

Date: 5th Jul 2019 @ 1:07pm

Dear Parents,


This week we have been practising for our performance, which I’m sure you all enjoyed over the two days.  The children were brilliant!  Thank you for all the support, costumes etc.

You will have received your child’s report this week, we hope you enjoyed reading these and thank you for all the red slip feedback forms.

We have been busy reading and it has been a delight to see how much progression the children have made over the year.  In maths we have been using numicon to show how we can make numbers in different ways, we also used it to demonstrate how many tens and ones are in numbers too. 

Yesterday we spent the afternoon we our buddies, playing outside which was such good fun!


Next week, I’m out for a couple of days on my forest school training.  No forest school, P.E kits needed Monday and Tuesday please.

The children will get to meet their new teacher Miss Addis on Monday during move up morning and will have yoga in the afternoon (last session).

On Tuesday they will have P.E and will be measuring their hands and height to see how much they have grown since starting in Red class. 

On Wednesday we will be watching ‘Pear Tree’s Got Talent’.

We will also be practising our handwriting, writing about our buddies and carrying out some maths activities too.

This will also be the last week for spellings too.


Have a lovely weekend.

  Mrs Newman and Red Team

"Pear Tree School - Being our Best Selves..."

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